
1. Install Element (As Administrator)

2. Copy .aex file and REPLACE the EXISTING file (x32 for CS4, x64 for CS5/CS6)
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS6\Support Files\Plug-ins\VideoCopilot

3. Run Adobe After Effects (As Administrator)

4. Add Element 3D Effect and generate a request when asked. (Doesn't matter where you save it)

5. Run Element License Generator.exe (As Administrator) and generate a license file.
(License will be generated in the same folder as LicGen)

6. Install license (from Element 3D auth form)

*Do not install this if your Element is already legally licensed, it can damage your existing license
and you'll need to get a new one...

*If you have install problem try this : Go to C:\programdata for Vista or win7 or %appdata% in XP
and delete the element_data and element_build files.

*Crashes are not related to crack, please update your videocard drivers, also check the google and
VideoCopilot support forum for fixes.

Download   Element 3D
